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Director of P2G Reflects on her Experience Supporting Ukrainian Refugees

Recently Maya Shoham, the Director of the Hadera-Eiron Southeast US & Czech Partnership 2Gether Program, traveled to the border of Ukraine and Hungary to help coordinate volunteers to assist those fleeing the violence in Ukraine. See below for her thoughts and reflections on the experience.…

Mazel Tov to all the 2022 Arts and Literature Contest Winners

Congratulations to the 2022 Holocaust Creative Arts Competition Award Winners


Our REMEMBER Program's Holocaust Creative Arts & Writing Competition received many entries from high school students across the Greater Charleston area. This year's theme was "Turning Memory to Strength". The …

2022 City Council Holocaust Proclamation Schedule Announced






Each year, local city councils issue Proclamations that commemorate the Holocaust and honor Holocaust victims. In very moving ceremonies, a member of the Council reads a Proclamation, followed by a candle lighting ceremony. It is crucial for everyone to support these p…

Lowcountry Purim 5782/ 2022

Low Country Purim 5782/2022:

Looking for something to do this Purim? Grab a costume and join the Charleston Jewish Community! Purim 2022 begins the evening of March 16 and ends in the evening of March 17th.   

The Charleston Jewish Federation

Resources for Families with Young Children:…

Hadassah Accepts Nominations for the Evolve Leadership Fellows Initiative

What is the Evolve Leadership Fellows Initiative?

The Evolve Leadership Fellows is a two-year leadership engagement initiative designed to inspire emerging young leaders by offering candidates opportunities to grow and learn. The first year of the program will begin in July 2022, and includ…