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JCRC-GC Confronting Holocaust Revisionism and Anti-Semitism

August 31, 2018

To our neighbors in the Lowcountry,

We have received reports over the past few weeks that two mayoral candidates in Hilton Head have made statements both denying the Holocaust and admiring its perpetrator, Adolf Hitler. This news is concerning to us as an organization, as …

Amiel BaKehila Schedule: Visit Two

OTS Amiel BaKehila, part of Ohr Torah Stone, is an exciting initiative under the auspices of Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs aimed at empowering Jewish communities around the world through Jewish Education, Israel Engagement, and Jewish Arts & Culture. Charleston is one of six…

Jewish Free Loans of Charleston

Charleston Jewish Family Services (CJFS) is excited to embark on a new initiative for helping individuals and families in the Charleston community—Jewish Free Loans of Charleston. Supporting one another through “life’s ups and downs,” we ensure the strength and vitality of our com…

YAD High Holy Day Ticket Match 2018/5779

Looking for a place to celebrate the High Holidays? We’re here to help.


The High Holidays are around the corner and we have your tickets!

CJF's Young Adult Division High Holiday Ticket Match program connects you to the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services that match your needs …

Escalation in the South: Rockets from Gaza and IDF Air Strikes

JFNA’s Israel office has prepared this summary of the significant escalation in the tensions between Israel and Hamas witnessed yesterday and today. In one of the most intense exchanges of fire since the 2014 conflict, a massive barrage of rockets was launched yesterday and today from Gaza…