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Tikkun Olam – It’s in your hands

This message originally appeared in Hadassah Charleston's e-newsletter, "Byte-Size" earlier this month. Cynthia Hodosh is a community member, volunteer, and member of our Lion of Judah Society

On February 15th, after a layover in Atlanta, I became ill.  In the next 10 days I visited my phy…

Stay Connected with Partnership 2Gether this Summer

Partnership 2Gether is a community initiative of the Charleston Jewish Federation that seeks to create people to people connections with the Jewish members of our community and the Jewish members of our partnered communities in the Southeast Consortium and in Hadera-Eiron, Israel.  We have …


ADL annual report found more than 2,100 acts of antisemitic hate; 56 percent increase in assaults, five fatalities

Atlanta, May 12, 2020 … The American Jewish community experienced the highest level of antisemitic incidents last year since tracking began in 1979, with more than 2,100 acts …