PJ Library & PJ Our Way


Every month, PJ Library sends a free, age appropriate, Jewish content book or CD to enrolled children from birth to age 9. PJ Our Way puts tweens in charge and allows 9-12 year olds to pick their own chapter book each month from 4 curated choices.

We also offer resources and consultation on organizing family friendly events, which bring Jewish and Israeli culture to local schools, community centers, and libraries. We would love to partner with you on programs and help you recruit! Contact Joelle Simon at joelle@jewishcharleston.org to learn more.

The Israel Education Fellowship (IEF) program offers families a way to save up to $5,600 for their teen’s trip to Israel by putting away $200 per year for 7 years. This funding is matched by the congregations and double-matched by the Charleston Jewish Federation. Contact erinb@jewishcharleston.org for more information.

Connect with Us on Social Media



Charleston PJ Library and PJ Our Way

Charleston PJ Library and PJ Our Way is a page to share information about events and information for all PJ Library families in Charleston.

Shalom Baby Facebook Group

The Shalom Baby of the Lowcountry group is for those with children up to 18ish months of age.

Jewish Families of the Lowcountry

The Jewish Families of the Lowcountry group is for all Jewish families with kids in Charleston, no matter how little, or not little, the kids are.

PJ Library National Resources

Read more about some of the amazing books and music offered by PJ Library.

Support Us

Make a directed gift to support PJ Library or family programming. You can also make a tribute gift to honor a friend or loved one.