Israel Partnership 2Gether: Hadera-Eiron Southeastern Consortium

  • CEOs, professionals and lay leaders come together to plan P2G programming

  • Addlestone Hebrew Academy 8th graders visit schools in Hadera

  • Julie Malka experiences home hospitality with Shimrit Orgal in Hadera

  • Local educator Danielle Bellack celebrates Shabbat with her host, Nili Trabelsi

  • Educators from all over the South East US and Hadera, Israel enjoy a food tour in the Mahane Yehuda Market

  • Local teen, Lily Bluestein, experiences home hospitality, volunteering and tourism in Israel



Shortening the Distance Between Us

Partnership2Gether connects regions in Israel with specific Jewish communities outside of Israel.  Established by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) in 1995, over 500 Diaspora communities have been matched with forty-five regions in Israel to bring Jewish people closer together as equal partners on joint projects and activities. 


In Charleston, Partnership 2Gether is a community initiative of the Charleston Jewish Federation that seeks to create people to people connections with the Jewish members of our community and the Jewish members of our partnered communities in the Southeast Consortium and in Hadera-Eiron, Israel.  We have joined together with other communities in the Southeast United States including Charlotte, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Richmond, Pinellas, Volusia County and Fort Myers to create the Southeast Consortium.


Partnership 2Gether is committed to creating meaningful, lifelong bonds between Israelis and Diaspora Jews.  We organize and offer programs for members of all different ages in our community to have the opportunity to learn and interact with Israelis both here and in Israel.  Our programs include teen summer travel and host exchanges, educator exchanges, physician and firefighter exchanges and partnered classrooms in our local Jewish schools.  These connections deepen Jewish identity and strengthen our resilience as a people by demonstrating that Jews everywhere are part of the same family and are responsible for each other.  


If you would like to get involved with Partnership 2Gether or want more information about any of our programs, please contact Erin Boynton at 843-614-6491 or

Charleston is one of ten Southeastern cities that is proud to partner with the Hadera Eiron Region.

Participating Communities


  • City of Hadera

  • Pardes Hanna Karkur Local Council

  • Manashe Regional Council

  • Alona Regional Council 



  • Prague, Czech Republic 


United States:

  • Lee & Charlotte Counties (Fort Myers), FL

  • Jacksonville, FL

  • Pinellas, Pasco Counties, FL

  • Flagler, Volusia Counties, FL

  • Charlotte, NC

  • Greensboro, NC

  • Charleston, SC

  • Chattanooga, TN

  • Knoxville, TN

  • Nashville, TN

  • Richmond, VA



The Hadera-Eiron Region is situated 28 miles north of Tel Aviv

As a regional center, Hadera-Eiron has a commuter-belt of 250,000 people.

Approximately 25% of the population is comprised of Ethiopian and Russian olim (immigrants)

Hadera was founded in 1891 by members of Hovevei Zion, a group of Zionist immigrants from Russia and Eastern Europe.

In the early days, agriculture was the main occupation of Hadera's settlers. They planted field and vegetable garden crops and citrus groves. But as the population of Hadera increased, the economy expanded and industrialized.

  • Technoda Hadera Givat Olga Science and Technology Education Center Classroom in Hadera

  • Ruach-Shtut farm in Hadera grows fruits without the use of poisonous substances and pesticides. This farm is set up so that everyone, including the elderly and people with disabilities, are able to enjoy the act of strawberry picking.

  • Educator Exchange

    We send teachers to Israel to learn about the Israeli school system . During their visit, educators tour in the region and learn about the history and culture of the Israeli people. "Twinning" programs, where classrooms can become pen pals, are also available to any teacher in the Charleston area.

  • Leadership 2Gether

    Our Leadership 2Gether program for young professionals lets you study Jewish leadership with an Israeli friend, followed by both a retreat in the Southeast and in Israel.

  • Tikkun Olam

    Each summer we send American teens to travel through Israel with their Israeli peers. Along with touring the country, the Americans are housed with families and instantly feel the unique experience of not being a tourist but instead being an Israeli. Later, the American teens reciprocate a similar experience here in Charleston with Israeli teens.

Visiting Israel? Put Hadera-Eiron on Your Itinerary.


We encourage anyone from Charleston who has plans to be in Israel to consider a visit to the region where you will be greeted by our friends, offered home hospitality, and provided with a customized behind-the-scenes and off-the-beaten-path tourism experience based on your interests. To start planning your visit, please contact Erin Boynton.