Today we are proud to report the passage of the Never Again Holocaust Education Act, which provides Federal resources to teachers across the country to ensure that all students receive comprehensive Holocaust Education in their schools. Passing this bill was a joint effort of hundreds of organizations, but we are proud to say that our local Jewish Communiuty Relations Council of Greater Charleston played a major part in attaining co-sponsorship of this bill from both of South Carolina's U.S. Senators. Thank you to Senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham for cosponsoring this bill, which will be soon be law.
Below is a letter from Stephan Kline, Interim Director of Washington Office & Associate Vice President for Public Policy for The Jewish Federations of North America.
May 14, 2020
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, here is some good news.
Last night, the Senate adopted the House version of the Never Again Education Act (H.R. 943/S. 2085). This important Holocaust education bill, which will provide expertise and resources to states, localities and schools, has now passed Congress and will soon go to the President for signature.
Passage was not a sure thing and our success was completely a testament to your collective interest and sustained focus on advocacy for this measure. Thank you for all your efforts in persuading so many members of Congress to support this legislation and for helping to reach out to more than 1,800 Holocaust survivors and 350 local organizations from every state that signed letters of support. This was extremely helpful for final passage.
While ultimately receiving a warm reception on Capitol Hill -- 303 cosponsors in the House and 77 in the Senate with a final vote of 395-5 in the House on International Holocaust Remembrance Day and unanimous consent in the Senate -- the road to passage was long and not assured. Ultimately it required parliamentary maneuvering with the suggested use of the House consensus calendar (that’s why we needed at least 290 cosponsors to move this out of the House committee) and the need to have a hold released in the Senate. The bill also morphed from one establishing a new division at the U.S. Department of Education to being placed appropriately at the U.S. Holocaust Museum.
Here are press releases issued last night after final passage by three of our lead sponsors, Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Senators Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND).
Stay safe out there and thanks again for weighing in repeatedly on this measure!
Stephan Kline
Interim Director of Washington Office &
Associate Vice President for Public Policy
The Jewish Federations of North America