On September 11, 2018, SC Governor McMaster issued a mandatory evacuation of the Charleston area to prepare for the then still unknown impact of Hurricane Florence. Here is what some of the CJF and CJFS professionals did during that week:
Charleston Jewish Family Services - Client Testimonial:
Oftentimes people wonder how Charleston Jewish Family Services affects the Jewish community. The following is just one example of how CJFS helps families during their most trying times. Below is a testimonial from a Jewish family about the incredible work of our Director of Senior Outreach, Judy Hinman,, who cared for a family with a terminally ill daughter who could not vacate during Hurricane Florence:
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I could never have done this without you! The food, the rides back & forth to the grocery store, the food that you brought to my daughter, your wonderful visits, and last but not least the caring & friendship you gave to our family. I cannot adequately put into words how much this has meant to us. Your employment at CJFS is so much more than a job. You put so much heart and kindness into it. Thank you."
Sharyn Bluestein, Director of Family Engagement, Charleston Jewish Federation:
"When Tallahassee Jewish Federation VP, PJ volunteer and mom Meg Yariv heard that my family had evacuated to Florida, she immediately contacted me. When she heard we were both in Orlando, she demanded that she come and “lay eyes on the Bluesteins” to make sure we were OK. Meg and her family invited us into their home in Tallahassee for as long as we needed. Thank you Meg and everyone at the Jewish Federation of Tallahassee for opening your hearts to Charleston and my family."
Brandon Fish, Community Outreach Coordinator, Charleston Jewish Family Services and Charleston Jewish Federation:
Shai Bibas, Community Shaliach, Charleston Jewish Federation:
Shai spent the week with his family in Florida with his family that came all the way from Israel to be with him. During that time, he was interviewed by several locai and national Israeli radio stations about his experience so far in our community. For those that speak Hebrew, you can enjoy this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LcX2We1CLI We will be uplocding and sharing all of the interviews once they are subtitled, so stay turned!
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