Yom HaZikaron-Israel's Memorial Day
On April 27, people across the Lowcountry and Israel gathered virtually via the Zoom platform to remember fallen Israeli soldiers and to hear first-hand stories of 3 women who have been supported by the Israeli organization "The Girlfriends of Fallen Soldiers (GFIDF)," the only organization in Israel that caters to the unmarried partners of fallen soldiers, the GFIDF stands alongside grieving partners during their most difficult times and assists them through the process of rebuilding their lives after this loss. Among the women sharing their stories was the Charleston Jewish community's Israeli emissary, Naama Fux.
The program also included a Jewish Remembrance ceremony and candle lighting.
Thank you to Naama Fux, Eden Fein and Sari Avraham for sharing and remembering their boyfriends who were killed while serving in the IDF: Ofer Basol, Sean Carmeli, Shahaf Shafrir
Thank you to everyone who participated in the program:
- Dr. Yaron Ayalon, Director, College of Charleston Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program
- Rabbi Michael Davies, Congregation Dor Tikvah
- Victor Hyman, Charleston Jewish Community Member, currently serving in the IDF
- Rabbi Adam J. Rosenbaum, Synagogue Emanu-El
- Rabbi Moshe Davis, BSBI Synagogue, Charleston, SC
- Rabbi-Greg Kanter, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE) Reform Jewish Congregation of Charleston
- Jen Schager, Charleston Chair, Partnership2Gether Hadera-Eiron-SE Consortium
- Jimi Horne, Charleston Jewish Community Member
- Elliott Lessen, CJF Board Member
- Ava Kleinman, Chair of the Israel and Overseas Committee, Regional Chair of Partnership 2Gether Southeastern Consortium and CJF Executive Vice President
If you were unable to join us , please take the time to watch the recorded video here.
Yom Ha'atzmaut- Israel’s Independence Day
Then, we jumped from sadness to joy to celebrate Israel's 72nd birthday with Jewish Federations Of North America in a Worldwide Celebration with special guests Shira Haas, Joshua Malina, Matisyahu, Jonah Platt, Ben Platt, Henry Platt, Chef Einat, Chef Yossi Elad, יצחק (בוז'י) הרצוג - Isaac Herzog, Rita Jahan Foruz – ריטה, Caissie Levy, and more! Watch the recorded video celebration here.