What’s happening at Synagogue Emanu-El !!!
Friday, October 3
Kol Nidre Services at 6:30pm
Saturday, October 4
Yom Kippur
9am-1pm and 6-8pm
Sunday, October 5
Sukkah Up “Build and Beer”
Emanu-El’s Mens Club and YAD
Friday, October 10
Sukkot Potluck Dinner at 6:30pm
Services at 7:30pm
Emanu-El University Adult Classes occur every Tuesday from 7pm-8:30pm August 26, 2014 –May 19, 2015.
Judaism 101 – (Instructor Lara LeRoy) A thorough introduction to Judaism. Explore customs, rituals, and holidays. Appropriate for introductory learners, those looking for a “refresher course” and for those considering converting to Judaism.
The Jewish Contribution to the development of world civilization – (Instructor Robert Lovinger, PhD) The concept of this course is to look at what role Jews, Judaism, and Jewish thinking played in the development of world civilizations. This will be done by reading and discussing the Thomas Cahill series “The Hinges of History”, plus some supplementary readings.
Adult B’Nai Mitzvah – (Instructors: Pam Coyle & Rabbi Rosenbaum) Learn trope (Torah/Haftarah cantillation) and the structure and content of Shabbat services – and help to lead it yourself at Emanu-El! Participation pending, the Adult B’nai Mitzvah service will take place Saturday, May 16, 2015. Participants must be Emanu-El members.
For additional events during the month of October, please check out our website at www.emanu-el.com.
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