Partnership 2Gether is a community initiative of the Charleston Jewish Federation that seeks to create people to people connections with the Jewish members of our community and the Jewish members of our partnered communities in the Southeast Consortium and in Hadera-Eiron, Israel. We have joined together with other communities in the Southeast United States including Charlotte, Greensboro, Jacksonville, Florida’s Gulf Coast, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Richmond, Volusia County and Fort Myers to create the Southeast Consortium. Recently, the Czech Republic has joined the Partnership as well!
Partnership 2Gether is committed to creating meaningful, lifelong bonds between Israelis and Diaspora Jews. We organize and offer programs for members of all different ages in our community to have the opportunity to learn and interact with Israelis both here and in Israel.
During this unprecedented time, our friends in Israel have been hard at work to create programs for people of all ages and interests. Over the summer there are many opportunities for our community members young and old to connect to Israel through common bonds. Below you will find a listing of offered programs and applications. For more information contact Erin Boynton at ErinB@jewishcharleston.org.
For kids and families:
- Teen Virtual Summer Experience and Advocacy Seminar-Facilitated by StandWithUs, Explore Israel's image in the world today. Learn about public diplomacy and the complexities in Israel society. Acquire the ability to deal with difficult questions about Israel and anti-Semitism on different media. (20 hours of community service offered to students who participate) Deadline for application: June 19
- Teen Virtual Summer Experience and Community Philanthropy Challenge- Snapshot encounter with philanthropic involvement in social organizations. Learn about personal & global responsibility by exploring different community organizations. Participate in an innovative philanthropy experience. Develop advocacy skills and learn how one decides where and how much to give. (20 hours of community service offered to students who participate) Deadline for application: June 19
- One2One Learning English- Increase abilities and confidence in speaking, reading and writing English for school-age children in grades 6-9 in the Region in Israel. American certified educators teach Israeli kids English One2One, for 8 Sessions, twice a week, Sundays & Wednesdays, through July 2020 Deadline for application: June 19
- Virtual Summer Experience: Children Cooking Workshop for families- Improve your Hebrew through a fun cooking workshop. Fun family activity! Deadline for registration: June 10
For people of all ages:
- Cafe Hafooch- Through deep conversations between Israeli teens and American retirees’ participants discuss a wide range of important topics. All participants are able to feel a connection to Jews on the other side of the world and gain new perspectives on what it is like to live where they do. This program is already happening with one participant from Charleston being involved and there will hopefully be future sessions offered.
- Discover, Write, Live - Your Life Story - For people of all ages, get to know each other through a simple and accessible tool - writing. To give meaning to our life story and leave a written memory. If interested, contact Erin Boynton.
- P2G Ambassador Club- Creating a quality group of people for the communities and for the partnership that will be able to deal with advocacy issues in order to continue volunteering on the subject. Workshop topics include Introduction to Geo-Political Israel, answering tough questions, briefings on BDS or social media activism, Anti-Semitism, and more Deadline for application: July 6
One recent participant shared after her online experience with Cafe Hafooch, a program that partners American adults with Israeli teens for meaningful discussion, “This was such a wonderful experience. The teens, the facilitator and my American cohort were delightful to spend time with. I looked forward to it each Sunday. The topics and discussions each week were thought provoking and allowed us to respectfully come from similar and different perspectives, finding agreement and perhaps some respectful disagreement though not so much. Loved it from beginning to end.”