30th Annual KidsFair
Charleston Gaillard Center
95 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC
Contact: Carol Berlin 843-568-4450(cell)
Email carolberlin@att.net
Save the Date: Sunday, February 25, 2018
Hours: 11:00AM – 5:00PM
The 30th Annual KidsFair hosted by the Charleston Jewish Community Center Without Walls in partnership with City of Charleston, Charleston County School District, and presented by MUSC Children’s Health kicks off on Sunday, February 25th, 2018 at the Gaillard Center. KidsFair showcases nonprofit organizations, businesses, schools, and emergency personnel of interest to thousands of children and parents.
KidsFair is centered on six major themes including: KidsHealth, KidsDiscovery, KidsSmart, KidsSafety, KidsFood and KidsPlay. Kids will have a blast with over 100 hands-on learning activities, interactive dinosaur troupe, learning bicycle safety, a climbing wall and more. Kids can meet their favorite Star Wars hero and enjoy live entertainment all day long featuring a special performance by DISNEY FUNKDAFIED presented by Manny Houston.
Mayor John Tecklenberg will welcome everyone at 12:30pm…followed by a large mascot parade. Food trucks will be available on Anson St. to enjoy lunch and treats. Park all day for $5 at the Gaillard and Aquarium parking garages.
KidsFair is sponsored in part by the Charleston Jewish Federation, Publix Super Markets Charities, Future Scholar, The City of Charleston, Charleston County School District, South State Bank, Charleston ENT and Allergy, Johnson and Johnson, Sol and Celia Cohen Endowment Fund, Charleston Radio Group, and TV-NEWS 2.
KidsFair is Charleston’s PREMIER event for kids and families. Come out and join us on Sunday February 25th, 2018. Kids under eighteen admitted FREE and MUST be accompanied by an adult! Adults are $5.00 and free with a coupon. For more information go to website www.charlestonkidsfair.com
Rain or shine
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