Reflections from 4th NAGID 360 Session: By Mallary Scheer

NAGID 360 has been a truly amazing opportunity for me to gain a connection to the Charleston Jewish Community that I do not feel I could have gotten any other way. I am learning so much about Jewish happenings with peers and am building relationships with people for whom I have a great respect.

This fourth session, focused on our connection with Israel, kicked off with some amazing Israeli cuisine from Dining In, Inc - such a treat! We also had another treat: special guests to share with us how the Annual Community Campaign works: Ed Kronsberg, Chair of the Annual Community Campaign Allocations Committee and Federation Professionals Kelly Stellrecht, Director of Development and Judi Corsaro, CE0.  They educated us about how the Federation’s grant applications and selection process work. I personally had no idea how many organizations and programs the Jewish Federation supports, and am proud to be working with them through NAGID 360 (and beyond!).

This year, the NAGID 360 class raised $2,160 through donations of $180 each to the Annual Community Campaign, which we will be able to use as a grant to support a local Jewish nonprofit or synagogue. With the following mission statement: “NAGID 360 is a cohort of Charleston Jewish Professionals aimed at inspiring and growing Jewish culture and heritage through programs focused on Holocaust remembrance, environmental sustainability, and education,” we look forward to supporting local Jewish activities through this grant opportunity. With a deadline of May 12th, we are eager to begin reviewing applications and awarding funds!

In addition to awarding a grant with our own funds, Mr. Kronsberg announced that the Jewish Federation is asking that our class review and make recommendations to the Allocations committee regarding the Federation’s commitment to Israel and Overseas funding. We were honored that the Federation is soliciting our feedback on how our generation connects to Jewish people around the world.

Over the course of the NAGID 360 session, our class has had many thoughtful and engaging conversations and I look forward to the input and discussions during the grant review process!


Learn more about NAGID 360: The Leadership Institute of the Charleston Jewish Community


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