The following is a note from Robyn Wittenberg Dudley, Volunteer, a member of the Summerville/North Area Jewish Community. You can stay up to date with happenings in the area on their website and Facebook page.
Happy Spring!! The Summerville Flowertown Festival is this weekend (3/31-4/2) and if you go, go EARLY to get good parking!!!
Here are the upcoming April events for the Summerville/North Area Jewish Community:
>>>>Sunday April 9 at 5 pm - Join us for the Summerville CommUNITY Passover Seder at the Saul Alexander Masonic Lodge at 111 N. Main St in Summerville 29483. Bring a side dish and $5 per person to cover entree (chicken), seder plate items, and papergoods. Please reply to this email or call me and let me know how many are attending and what you'd like to bring to serve at least 25 people. We will have seder leader(s) and provide Haggadah's. If you have friends or family (non Jews invited too!) that want to participate in the Seder, please have them contact me. Have fun and get ready by listening to this video by the Maccabeats! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZgDNPGZ9Sg
>>>>Thursday April 13 at 6 pm - Summerville Holocaust Proclamation Reading at the Summerville Town Council Meeting 200 S. Main St Summerville 29483. Organized by the Charleston Jewish Federation's REMEMBER Program for Holocause Education and Genocide Awareness. A memorial candle lighting ceremony with light refreshments will follow at the Summerville Dorchester Museum garden which is less than two blocks from the Town Hall across from Hutchinson Square. (100 E. Doty St). Let fill up the Town Hall to remember the Holocaust!!
>>>>Monday April 24 at 6:30 pm - Monthly Summerville CommUNITY Artists Heritage Series at Coastal Coffee Roasters (108 E. 3rd N. St. - right off Main St. at Subway Restaurant) - this will be a Holocaust theme - FREE with lite refreshments for purchase. Hoping to have excerpts from Anne Frank play, spoken word, stories from survivors' families, and Visual Art. If you or you know someone that wants to perform, speak, or display, reply to this email or call me. Sponsored by the Summerville Jewish Community, Summerville Community Resource Center, and the Jewish CommUNITY without Walls.
Robyn wants to hear from you:
>> We are updating our email and phone list to make sure that you will receive announcements about what's going on in our area regarding Jewish Heritage and Events. What is the best email address and phone number for us to use? Let me stress that this information will only be used to inform you of events, activities, and future planning for the Summerville/North Area Jewish Community.
>> A number of Summerville area Jewish residents have asked about having a traveling Rabbi conduct Yizkor (Memorial) or other services. We are looking into this. Would you like to know more about this and what ideas do you have?
>> If you have friends who would also like to know what's going on in our Summerville/North Area Jewish Community, please have them send me an email.
Have a good week and hope to see you soon!
L'Hit (til we meet again),
Contact Robyn directly at rdudley007@hotmail.com with this information.
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