What's happening at KKBE
Friday, September 5
First Friday Congregational Dinner and Service
Congregational Dinner at 5:30 pm and Family Service at 7 pm, celebrating August birthdays and anniversaries
Sunday, September 7
Hebrew for Adults ~ Taught by: Bonnie Friedman
Let's start at the very beginning, with the Hebrew aleph bet. Our goal is to build toward greater comfort reading the Hebrew readings in the Mishkan T'filah, our prayer book. All adults in the KKBE community are welcome!
Cost: $150 (includes the cost of the text book) RSVP online atwww.kkbe.org
Saturday, September 13
Tot Shabbat at 10 am in the Freudenberg Board Room ~ suitable for children up to 10 years of age. A Community Kiddush will follow both Tot Shabbat and our regular 10 am Saturday Morning Service. We encourage families to bring finger-food snacks for the community kiddush
Thursday, September 25
Rosh HaShanah Family Service at 3 pm at KKBE
Please visit our gift shop, Chosen Treasures.
Open Sunday - Thursday 10 am - 4 pm and Friday 10 am - 3 pm
For more information on upcoming events at KKBE, visit www.kkbe.org
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