High Holy Day Options in the Greater Charleston Area
Rosh HaShanah: Fri-Sun, Sept. 18-20
Yom Kippur: Sun-Mon, Sept 27-28
Sukkot Fri-Fri, Oct 2-9
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: Sat-Sun, Oct 10-11
Synagogue Emanu-El- United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
You can find everything you need to know about High Holidays at Emanu-El here: https://www.emanu-el.com/hhd2020.
Please make special note of the following programs:
Simchat Torah Full Torah Reading: On Simchat Torah we celebrate having completed reading the whole Torah. As our public reading of the Torah on Shabbat was disrupted this year Emanu-El is going to read the first Aliyah from EVERY PARSHA this Simchat Torah (and maybe even a few extra!)! if you are interested in reading a few aliyot please be in touch with Rabbi Ravski for details: rabbiravski@emanu-el.com
Yizkor: We will remember our loved ones at the Emanu-El Cemetery each of these mornings at 10:30am: Sunday, Sep 27 and Friday, October 9. While tradition tells us to recite Yizkor on the holidays of Yom Kippur and Shmini Atzeret themselves, this year we will say it the morning before so that we may gather together in person to help give us comfort as we recite the liturgy. We will gather at the cemetery and over Zoom to recite the Yizkor service and be comforted by the words of our tradition and being in one another's presence while engaging in this act of remembrance.
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE)- Union for Reform Judaism
L'shanah Tovah! The clergy, staff and lay leaders of KKBE have been working diligently to ensure meaningful High Holy Days for our congregation and extended KKBE community. These holidays will be unlike anything we have experienced before, yet special in their own way. We invite you to join our virtual High Holy Day services. All information may be found at https://www.kkbe.org/highholydays. Wishing you a happy, healthy and sweet New Year.
Brith Sholom Beth Israel (BSBI)- Orthodox Union
BSBI will be holding High Holy Days Services for Congregants and their Families in the Sanctuary with Rabbi Admon leading. Registration has closed and details were emailed Wednesday, September 10th, to all Registrants.
In addition, Congregants who will not be attending services can borrow Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Machzors. Members can pick them up in the Office Thursday, September 17th from 10:00AM to 2:00PM.
BSBI’s Website: https://www.bsbisynagogue.com
Congregation Dor Tikvah- Orthodox Union
You can find all information for Congregation Dor Tikvah on their website: https://www.dortikvah.org/hhd-5781 Please note that attendance for their services requires registration and that people interested in attending should contact Rebecca Witcher (info@dortikvah.org) to inquire if there are still spots available.
Chabad Center for Jewish Life
Contact Rabbi Yossi Refson at info@jewishchs.org for questions and more information about services.
Resources for Families with Young Children
PJ Library's “High Holidays at Home” is your guide to celebrating Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur together as a family. You can access the PDF for free and print the whole guide or individual pages at a time: http://pjlibrary.org/highholidays
Resources for Young Adult Professionals (20’s, 30’s, 40’s)
Join YAD (Young Adult Division) to see some familiar faces and welcome new community members during the new year for a virtual Break the Fast on Monday, September 28th at 8:15 PM. Local community members have the opportunity to enjoy a complimentary kosher bagel and lox meal kit (while supplies last) to enjoy during our virtual meet up. Click here for more information and click here to register.
Streaming Services
Growing numbers of synagogues now live stream their services online. On the High Holidays, these streams are often restricted to synagogue members or cost money to watch — but not always.