Upcoming Classes in Preparation of our Shabbaton
- Tuesday, Nov 4, 8:00pm at the JCC: Taste of Shabbat - Challah Bake
- Saturday, Nov 8, 12:20pm: Special Shabbat Academy Lectures
Key Concepts of Cooking for Shabbat
Shabbat 101: Why Celebrate Shabbat? - Tuesday, Nov 11, 8:00pm at the Lipschutz’s, 1688 Seignious Dr.: Sights of Shabbat - Where do we see Shabbat in Torah?
S.O.S.S. – Share One Shabbos Shabbaton
Experience an authentic traditional Shabbat from beginning to end with the Dor Tikvah community
Sign up to host or to be hosted at http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/nnkls or email Ora Davies at oradavies@gmail.com.
Friday, Nov. 14th
- 4:30 - Pre-Shabbos Oneg
- 5:00 - Carlebach Friday Night Service
- Friday Night Dinner @ Local Host Homes (Food available for purchase from Dining In)
Saturday, Nov. 15th
- 12:00 - Catered Shabbat Luncheon
- 4:30 - Shabbat Afternoon Tisch
- 6:15 - Musical Havdallah
To see our full brochure of events go to http://tinyurl.com/CDT-Brochure.
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