This excerpt was taking from Charleston Hadassah's newsletter, "Byte-Size". To subscribe to the newsletter directly, contact SharonHox@aol.com.
The summer is over but the memories will last a lifetime. Thanks for Charleston Jewish Federation for a generous grant to the Charleston Chapter of Hadassah, many of these campers were able to go to Hadassah’s Camp Judaea in Hendersonville, NC for a glorious experience. The One Happy Camper grants from Federation also supported an overnight camp experience for many local kids, both to Camp Judaea and other Jewish-based camps around the country, including Camp Barney Medintz, Camp Stone, URJ Camp Coleman, and Camp Tel Yehudah.
Who are these Camp Judaea campers? In alphabetical order they are: Benjamin Berlin, Abby and Max Bluestein, Peri Dessner, Isaac Duenas, Nathan Feldman, Caroline Gitter, Harry Goldberg, Jacob Kestenbaum, Eli LeRoy, Aaron and Danya Manaker, Addyson, Carly and Penelope Rose, Truere Rothschild, Joseph and Rory Shoemaker, David, Hadassah and Noam Sternfeld, Alexis and Gregory Veyber, and Gabriella and Jeremy Zucker.
At Camp Judaea, these young people experienced a wide span of fun and healthy summer activities in a setting that provides a unique Jewish experience. The camp is pluralistic – open to Jewish campers of all denominations. Shabbat services are a highly anticipated part of each week. Havdalah and the singing and dancing that follow build memories that will last a lifetime. Friendships are formed that will also last a lifetime, helping campers forge a strong Jewish identity.
Parents – if you were thrilled to give your children a wonderful Jewish experience (and if you were thrilled to give yourselves a wonderful break), it’s not too soon to start planning for next year. Camp is something for everyone in the family to look forward to. Jewish camp is more than just wonderful – it’s transformative.
Tamar Sternfeld collected quotes from her three campers:
"I love how welcoming CJ is. I love how even though everyone is there for their own reasons, they are all there to have fun and to make new friends."
"I love CJ because CJ friends are forever friends."
"I loved that I got to make friends from all over and to try new things I have never tried before."
- Hadassah, Noam and David Sternfeld
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