Addlestone Hebrew Academy
Send your Rosh Hashanah cards through AHA Parent Association
Perform a New Year’s Mitzvah today and show your support for Addlestone Hebrew Academy! AHA's Parent Association is offering personalized Rosh Hashanah cards to send to your friends and family. Join us in celebrating what is sure to be an exciting year at Addlestone as we look forward to moving into our new school home. Card orders start at $18.00 for 5 cards with more options available. Visit our website at for the the order form, turn it in to AHA, and we will take care of the rest! Your cards will be personalized and mailed to your loved ones for you. Please make checks payable to AHAPA.
Orders are due no later than Friday, September 5, 2014. With your continued support, we will all ensure a bright future at Addlestone.
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