Let's get down and dirty! - Sunday, October 17th at 10:00AM - Charleston Waterkeeper guides Emanu-El and KKBE members in a marsh cleanup along the Ashley River.
Meet at the La Quinta Inn parking lot, 11 Ashley Point Dr. Charleston
Tikkun HaYam, (Repair the Sea), raises awareness in the Jewish community of the threats facing the marine environment and wonders of the sea. With an environmentalist's approach to Tikkun Olam, we partner with G-d in repairing the world, because, if we don’t work NOW to repair the sea, the rest of the world doesn’t stand a chance.
Open to all ages.
Cleanup materials, drinks, and snacks will be provided, but come dressed to get dirty.
Just bring masks and a desire to honor mother earth, all other materials provided.
For more information and to sign up, contact sandrabrett1@gmail.com
Charleston Waterkeeper staff scientist Cheryl Carmack will be on hand to explain the importance of keeping our waterways safe and clean, plus learn about Bal tashchit ("do not destroy"), a basic ethical principle in Jewish law that reinforces this mitzvah. Arranged by the EE Tikkun Olam Committee