
9 2014

Dor Tikvah Torah Study Class

7:30PM - 8:30PM  

Dor Tikvah House 1805 Sandcroft Drive
Charleston, SC 29407

Contact Michael Davies

A Deeper Look at the Book of Genesis
We refer to the Torah as a Living Torah. Let’s take a look at what makes it so alive! With a blend of ancient rabbinic wisdom and careful literary analysis, Rabbi Davies will offer fresh insight into layers of meaning woven into the text. Each class will pose insightful and thought- provoking questions, and leave you with a peek into the world of meaning that
most never suspect exists in the Bible. We will continue with the various deep and exciting stories that make up the first of the five books of Moses. The class will hopefully leave you with a deeper understanding of Torah and how it matters to our lives, right here, right now. Appropriate both for beginners and those with Torah-study background.