
7 2017

Tikkun Olam Charleston Style

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE) 90 Hasell Street
Charleston, SC

 Join us for Adult Learning at KKBE
Thursday, December 7th!
Refreshments at 6:45 pm in the Social Hall
Tikkun Olam Charleston Style:  From the Hebrew Benevolent Society to Federation's Jewish Family Services 
 December 7th, 7 pm
Presented by Sara Sharnoff Chesley & 
Dr. Bill Golod
The Hebrew Benevolent Society of Charleston is the oldest
Jewish Society, founded in the U.S. in 1784. The Hebrew
Orphan Society was founded in 1801. Charleston Jewish
Family Services handles casework supporting families in
need. Learn from Sara Sharnoff Chesley, Director of Jewish
Family Services, and Bill Golod, President of the Hebrew
Orphan Society about their respective organizations' mission, evolution, and contributions to our community.
   These programs are funded in part by:
Addlestone/Regenbogen Families Adult Education Fund 
and the Hellman Family Fund.  Thank you.