
7 2016

The Rebecca Play: Special Jewish Community Performance

7:30PM - 8:30PM  

Synagogue Emanu-El 5 Windsor Dr.
Charleston, SC

Contact Rebecca Engel

The Inheiritance Project is producing original plays in communities around the country, inspired by narratives from the book of Genesis and devised from interactions with members of the local community. In Charleston, the play tackles the story of Rebecca using themes and ideas that arose through conversations, communal study, and workshops with Jewish and African-American Charlestonians. 

A conversation with the actors and director follows the performance.

Admission $10

100% of ticket proceeds go to the creation of a new microgrant program for local artists in Charleston, facilitated by the The Charleston Regional Alliance for the Arts in partnership with the Charleston Jewish Federation.

The Piccolo Spoleto Festival performances will take place at PURE Theatre. More information here: http://inheiritance.org/index.php?page=tickets

See more information here: http://www.charlestonscene.com/20160507/160509537/the-rebecca-play-innovative-theater-project-uses-book-of-genesis-as-its-genesis