Emanu-El University 2015-2016
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30PM, October 13, 2015-May 17, 2016,
EXCEPT FOR: November 24th; December 22nd; December 29th & April 26th
Students have the choice of three classes, which take place concurrently:
JUDAISM 101 (INSTRUCTORS: LARA LEROY & RABBI ROSENBAUM): A thorough introduction to Judaism. Explore customs, rituals, and holidays. Appropriate for introductory learners, those looking for a “refresher course”, and for those considering converting to Judaism.
WHO WROTE THE BIBLE? (INSTRUCTOR: ROBERT LOVINGER, PHD): The Bible is one of the most transparent, and yet mysterious of all books. It narrates the beginnings and survival, against all odds, of the longest surviving society in human history, but it does not tell us who the author(s) is. This class will study one significant theory, proposed by Richard Elliott Friedman, in his ground-breaking, scholarly, but readable book “Who Wrote The Bible?” (Class runs through February 9th)
ADULT B’NAI MITZVAH (INSTRUCTORS: PAM COYLE & RABBI ROSENBAUM): Learn trope (Torah/Haftarah cantillation) and the structure and content of Shabbat services – and help to lead it yourself at Emanu-El! Participation pending, the Adult B’nai Mitzvah service will take place Saturday, May 21, 2016. Participants must be Emanu-El members.
Tuition: $100, or $136 for the full year of Adult B’nai Mitzvah. Subsidies available upon request. Contact 571-3264 or emanu-el@emanu-el.com to register!