Modern Jews who raise their voices, “speaking truth to power,” join a long line of Jewish role models who have been exemplars of advocacy. Esther advocated on behalf of her people to the King of Persia, Moses to the Pharaoh of Egypt, Abraham to none other than God. Looking at these role models and others – in both biblical and more modern times – we’ll explore a variety of Jewish approaches to advocacy, asking ourselves: Why is advocacy important? What are the keys to effective advocacy? Where do my Jewish values compel me to raise my own voice today?
Rabbi Stephanie Alexander is Senior Rabbi at Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE), Charleston’s Reform congregation. Rabbi Alexander received her undergraduate degree, a B.S. in Psychology with honors in Jewish Studies, from Tulane University in New Orleans. She earned her ordination, as well as a Masters degree in Hebrew Literature and Religious Education, from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 2003.
This Brown Bag is co-sponsored by the CofC Jewish Student Union/Hillel.
Sponsor: Jewish Studies Program