
28 2022

Love Letters of a Socialist

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Arnold Hall, Jewish Studies Center CofC 96 Wentworth St
Charleston, SC, SC 29424

Contact Kim Browdy

Ashley Walters (College of Charleston) introduces us to two East European-born Jewish sisters named Anna and Rose Strunsky - young and captivating writers dedicated to the socialist revolution - and the impressive cast of well-known American authors, including Jack London, William English Walling, Arthur Bullard, and Sinclair Lewis, who were romantically involved with the sisters and wrote about their desires for them in a variety of capacities. This conversation explores the complicated ways in which these women served as conduits of cultural, political, and linguistic knowledge of the country of their birth, in addition to their objectification in the eyes of their American-born contemporaries and romantic partners.