
30 2020

KKBE's Lifelong Learning: Martin Buber's I and Thou

8:00PM - 9:00PM  

KKBE- Synagogue 90 Hasell Street
Charleston, SC 29401

Contact KKBE- Synagogue

Martin Buber was certainly the greatest Jewish philosopher of the 20th century. His book, I and Thou, is his masterpiece. We will read through this ground breaking work of religious ethics which redefines the moral teaching of Judaism in Buber’s unique poetic language.

This is a serious course in philosophy. It is for serious students willing to buy the book and read 10-20 pages a week in preparation for class. This is your first opportunity to get to know one of the greatest works of modern Jewish thought. Please read the first 10 pages in preparation for the first class.

Available on amazon: http://bit.ly/Buber2020