
26 2015

Judaism Decoded

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Arnold Hall 96 Wentworth St.
Charleston, 29424
8439534930 swickmn@cofc.edu

Contact Mark Swick

Have you ever questioned the authenticity of our Jewish tradition? Is there any evidence supporting the veracity of Judaism as we practice it today? What was invented by the rabbis, and what can be traced back to ancient biblical verses? And how do contemporary rabbis know how to adapt biblical law for modern times? Just as science follows the scientific method, Jewish tradition has its own system to ensure that its authenticity remains intact.

These sessions will shed light on the “mysteries” surrounding biblical interpretation. How do we know our interpretation is true? If it is true, why is it subject to differences of opinion? And with so many interpretations to choose from, how do we know which one reflects its original intent? Rabbi Epstein will examine the traditional responses to these questions.

August 31 – The Dynamic Duo
September 21 – Debating the Divine
October 26 – Laws that Expire
November 23 – Evidence for Sinai

Rabbi Hesh Epstein has been the Executive Director of Chabad Lubavitch of South Carolina since 1987. His evening
courses have become a regular and popular fixture of Jewish Studies community education offerings.