
14 2016

JCC WOW Bookfest: Fern Mallis, fashion consultant and CFW judge

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Charleston Library Society Charleston Library Society, 164 King Street
Charleston, SC 29401

Contact Marylyn Haspel

Fern Mallis, NY Fashion Week Creator, Fashion Consultant and Charleston Fashion Week Lead
Judge and Author, to Discuss Book “Fashion Lives”
March 14 at Charleston Library Society Charleston Library Society, 164 King Street at 6 pm.

As part of the Jewish Community Center Without Walls Bookfest (JCC WOW), the legendary Fern Mallis, internationally known fashion consultant, creator of New York Fashion Week, lead judge at Charleston Fashion Week and author will discuss her book, Fashion Lives: Fashion Icons with Fern Mallis.
Tickets are $30 online, $35 at the door. To purchase tickets online, go to It is advised to reserve early.
For more information, contact Marylyn Haspel at or 843-571-6565.

Sponsor: Jewish Community Center Without (JCC WOW) Bookfest