
12 2015

Israeli Film: Room 514

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Arnold Hall 96 Wentworth St.
Charleston, 29424
8439534930 swickmn@cofc.edu

Contact Mark Swick

Each semester, the Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program presents a series of films on a different topic. Join us this fall for a series of three Israeli films focusing on recent representations of female soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). A discussion about military service and gender roles in the Middle-East will take place after each screening, led by Professor Oren Segal. Screenings are free and open to the public. All films are in Hebrew with English subtitles.

ROOM 514 (Heder 514) October 12 (2012, 91 min)
In this disturbing, realistic film, a determined young female soldier interrogates an officer. Contrary to her colleagues’ advice, she accuses him of beating up an Arab family, and ultimately perseveres against the abuse of power in the army.