Joel and Ethan Coen, two nice Jewish boys from Minnesota, have, over the course of their 30-year film career, invented some of the richest and most provocative Jewish characters ever seen on screen (Bernie Bernbaum from Miller’s Crossing, Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski, the title character in Barton Fink). And with their
2009 black comedy, A Serious Man, the Coens have made one of the profoundest explorations of Jewish themes ever put on film. This lecture and discussion is led by Elijah Siegler, chair of the department of Religious Studies at College of Charleston, who has recently edited a book on religion in the films of the Coen Brothers.
(Attendees should watch any or all of the films mentioned above on their own. Be on the lookout for a
separate screening of A Serious Man to be held at KKBE prior to this session.)