
16 2016

German Foreign Policy: a New Reality?

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Arnold Hall 96 Wentworth Street

Contact Mark Swick

Germany was one of the main architects of the European Union. How will Britain’s exit from that body impact the vision of a united Europe, and does it presage serious differences in foreign policy in general, and towards Israel
in particular, since other countries do not share Germany’s deep-seated commitment to Israel or Britain’s close ties to the United States? Immediately after Ambassador Ruenger’s talk, we will open the Zionismus exbibit at the College’s Addlestone Library at 11:45am. Ambassador Ruenger will deliver introductory remarks.

A native of Hannover, Germany, Consul General Detlev Ruenger joined the German Consulate in Atlanta in July, 2015, after serving as German Ambassador to Austria (2012-2015) and Norway (2009-2012). Consul General Ruenger received a law degree in 1981 from the University of Hannover. He is joined in Atlanta by his wife and their two children.