
16 2017

Charleston Jewish Community Marches in Dr. MLk Jr. Holiday Parade

9:00AM - 12:00PM  

Join us as we march together and honor the visionary work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and support the Charleston YWCA ’s 45th Annual Federal Holiday Parade. 

Meet at Burke High School, 244 President St. at 10:30 am; parade begins at 11:00 am

Jewish community organizations encouraged to bring banners and signs; CJF will have signs available as well.

The parade will conclude at the corner of King St. and Calhoun St. Strollers, wagons, wheelchairs and walkers are not only welcomed but encouraged!

Please contact RebeccaL@jewishcharleston.org with questions.

Just as Rabbi Heschel marched with Dr. King, we walk in solidarity with the 30,000 celebrants who support the events throughout the Lowcountry. To see YWCA’s full schedule of MLK events, please click here: http://www.ywca-charlestonsc.org/atf/cf/%7B38bd1f2c-0102-4ff3-8ecb-c843b4e1a294%7D/2017MLKCELEBRATIONSCHEDULEUPDATED121216.PDF