
17 2022

A Conversation with Abby Stein

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Arnold Hall 96 Wentworth Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Contact Kim Browdy

Abby Stein is a Jewish educator, author, speaker, and activist. She was born and raised in a Hasidic family, attended Yeshiva, and completed a rabbinical degree in 2011. In 2012, she left the Hasidic world to explore a self-determined life. In 2015 Abby came out as a woman of trans experience. Since then, she has been working to raise support and awareness for trans rights and those leaving ultra-Orthodoxy. Her book Becoming Eve: My Journey from Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi to Transgender Woman, is a coming-of-age memoir that examines identity, gender, and religion through personal experience.

This is a HYBRID event. You can join us online or in person.
Register: https://bit.ly/spring22abbystein

Sponsor: Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program and College of Charleston Hillel